The Stephen Wing house (aka the Wing Fort House) was built ca. 1640 by Stephen Wing and has withstood over 370 New England winters (albeit with a number of additions and changes). The Wing Family of America gave PARP archaeologists the opportunity to examine the house and its surroundings in 2010. Excavations built upon previous research by archaeologists David Wheelock and Eric Deetz and were focused on the north side of the extant house. Excavations revealed a previously unknown well as well as a relatively small leanto addition attached to the north side that may have served as a dairy or milkhouse. Excavations also recovered significant 17th to 19th century artifacts that helped to illuminate the lives of the Wing family through the ages. The final report presents an extensive history of the Wings and their occupation of the house, including transcriptions of wills, probates and deeds relating to the house. It also includes a detailed examination of all of the excavations to date at the site as well as an investigation of the extant house the evidence of the original Stephen wing house that is literally encapsulated within it walls.
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